They say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. Sometimes this is a state of mind and a reflection of your mood. I think it is easy, after spending hours balancing the books, yes not my favourite pastime, to get into a negative frame of mind....



They say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. Sometimes this is a state of mind and a reflection of your mood. I think it is easy, after spending hours balancing the books, yes not my favourite pastime, to get into a negative frame of mind....

Get your Branding right from the start

Get your Branding right from the start

Numerous business in a start-up stage usually look to “save” money by cutting corners on branding, marketing and advertising. It may work in the beginning, then the business will hit a growth stage. At this point, if things are not right, it will be...

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

The thought of finance sends a shiver up the spine of many business owners.  After all, who wants debt?  But for some, a manageable debt is often preferable to the alternative because it enables business owners to ride the short-term peaks and troughs so the...

The Fear of Sales Rejection

The Fear of Sales Rejection

Selling. The word alone strikes fear into many. Mainly though, it is a word dreaded and feared by all but the most intrepid business owners. Although many know that they need to “sell” their products and services – after all it is the bloodline of their business –...

Ask For Help!

Ask For Help!

I was at a networking event the other day and met a lady who continually complained about having to be the Jill of all trades in her business.  She was snowed under by bookkeeping, BAS, marketing, supplier accounts, client invoicing – you name it and she had...

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process It’s been proven many times over by those in the know – the secret to building a successful business is to begin by building mutually beneficial relationships.  These relationships open doors to opportunities and...

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Amplify your message.  Get noticed.  Stand out from the crowd. These are messages business coaches, consultants and marketing gurus will tell you every day.  If you play small and don’t get noticed, you’ll eventually get sick...

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Video Statistics, Damn Video Statistics and Sex, Lies and Videotape. There’s nothing like statistics to create controversy.  Strange isn’t it – you can gather all the hard evidence you like but some bright spark somewhere will turn around and say, “Yeah, but...

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Over the last few months I’ve been presenting at various Rotary Clubs across Melbourne and Victoria discussing sustainability and downsizing. I have frequently been sharing my views on using what you have and injecting new life into your home using current pieces and...

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes has quickly become one of the most innovative and dynamic leaders in the housing industry. She teamed up with her husband to launch Green Structure Homes Delivered, a company that manufactures turn-key homes that are delivered to locations throughout...

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Katrina verso conceived the idea for Cammino after a long career in media in Melbourne’s CBD. She was one of the many women who collected ballet flats under their desk for some relief from the day in heels. A common challenge she encountered was that we all...

Get your Branding right from the start

Get your Branding right from the start

Numerous business in a start-up stage usually look to “save” money by cutting corners on branding, marketing and advertising. It may work in the beginning, then the business will hit a growth stage. At this point, if things are not right, it will be...

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

The thought of finance sends a shiver up the spine of many business owners.  After all, who wants debt?  But for some, a manageable debt is often preferable to the alternative because it enables business owners to ride the short-term peaks and troughs so the...

The Fear of Sales Rejection

The Fear of Sales Rejection

Selling. The word alone strikes fear into many. Mainly though, it is a word dreaded and feared by all but the most intrepid business owners. Although many know that they need to “sell” their products and services – after all it is the bloodline of their business –...

Ask For Help!

Ask For Help!

I was at a networking event the other day and met a lady who continually complained about having to be the Jill of all trades in her business.  She was snowed under by bookkeeping, BAS, marketing, supplier accounts, client invoicing – you name it and she had...

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process It’s been proven many times over by those in the know – the secret to building a successful business is to begin by building mutually beneficial relationships.  These relationships open doors to opportunities and...

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Amplify your message.  Get noticed.  Stand out from the crowd. These are messages business coaches, consultants and marketing gurus will tell you every day.  If you play small and don’t get noticed, you’ll eventually get sick...

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Video Statistics, Damn Video Statistics and Sex, Lies and Videotape. There’s nothing like statistics to create controversy.  Strange isn’t it – you can gather all the hard evidence you like but some bright spark somewhere will turn around and say, “Yeah, but...

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Over the last few months I’ve been presenting at various Rotary Clubs across Melbourne and Victoria discussing sustainability and downsizing. I have frequently been sharing my views on using what you have and injecting new life into your home using current pieces and...

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes has quickly become one of the most innovative and dynamic leaders in the housing industry. She teamed up with her husband to launch Green Structure Homes Delivered, a company that manufactures turn-key homes that are delivered to locations throughout...

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Katrina verso conceived the idea for Cammino after a long career in media in Melbourne’s CBD. She was one of the many women who collected ballet flats under their desk for some relief from the day in heels. A common challenge she encountered was that we all...

Get your Branding right from the start

Get your Branding right from the start

Numerous business in a start-up stage usually look to “save” money by cutting corners on branding, marketing and advertising. It may work in the beginning, then the business will hit a growth stage. At this point, if things are not right, it will be...

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

Finance the Dream and Build a Life

The thought of finance sends a shiver up the spine of many business owners.  After all, who wants debt?  But for some, a manageable debt is often preferable to the alternative because it enables business owners to ride the short-term peaks and troughs so the...

The Fear of Sales Rejection

The Fear of Sales Rejection

Selling. The word alone strikes fear into many. Mainly though, it is a word dreaded and feared by all but the most intrepid business owners. Although many know that they need to “sell” their products and services – after all it is the bloodline of their business –...

Ask For Help!

Ask For Help!

I was at a networking event the other day and met a lady who continually complained about having to be the Jill of all trades in her business.  She was snowed under by bookkeeping, BAS, marketing, supplier accounts, client invoicing – you name it and she had...

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process

Business in Heels 10 step Process It’s been proven many times over by those in the know – the secret to building a successful business is to begin by building mutually beneficial relationships.  These relationships open doors to opportunities and...

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Amplify your message.  Get noticed.  Stand out from the crowd. These are messages business coaches, consultants and marketing gurus will tell you every day.  If you play small and don’t get noticed, you’ll eventually get sick...

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Grow Your Business Through Video Marketing

Video Statistics, Damn Video Statistics and Sex, Lies and Videotape. There’s nothing like statistics to create controversy.  Strange isn’t it – you can gather all the hard evidence you like but some bright spark somewhere will turn around and say, “Yeah, but...

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Injecting New Life Into Your Home

Over the last few months I’ve been presenting at various Rotary Clubs across Melbourne and Victoria discussing sustainability and downsizing. I have frequently been sharing my views on using what you have and injecting new life into your home using current pieces and...

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes Transforms the Housing Industry

Barbara Stokes has quickly become one of the most innovative and dynamic leaders in the housing industry. She teamed up with her husband to launch Green Structure Homes Delivered, a company that manufactures turn-key homes that are delivered to locations throughout...

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Cammino – Story of Katrina Verso

Katrina verso conceived the idea for Cammino after a long career in media in Melbourne’s CBD. She was one of the many women who collected ballet flats under their desk for some relief from the day in heels. A common challenge she encountered was that we all...