Amplify your message.  Get noticed.  Stand out from the crowd.

These are messages business coaches, consultants and marketing gurus will tell you every day.  If you play small and don’t get noticed, you’ll eventually get sick of the struggle.  I bet you didn’t go into business for that.  So in keeping with our series to invigorate your cut-through, this week we’ll discuss public speaking.

“Public Speaking – Aaaaaaahhhhh!”  I hear you scream.  I know, I know… it’s your worst nightmare, right?  Well, do you know what?  That vulnerability is endearing.  

Ever noticed how the knight in shimmering armour perpetually saves the damsel in distress?  She’s vulnerable.  The other day on Netflix I was watching The Blacklist and the spunky male lead (No!  Not James Spader!!!)  was discovered to be addicted to painkillers.  Upon realising this, Lizzie comforted him because the discovery made him vulnerable.  As a nation of sports fans, if we don’t barrack for one team in the contest, we go for the underdog because they’re vulnerable.  

People want the speaker to do well.  But people wanting you to do well won’t make it happen, right?  So here’s a tip that may encourage you to give it a go…

I bet if I asked you a question about one aspect of your business, you could answer it taking into account how differing parties may be affected.  And I bet if I asked another about your business you could do the same.  And I bet your enthusiasm for what you do would shine through in your responses.  

So here’s that tip.

When presenting, don’t talk to the crowd.  Answer questions.  Prepare your cue cards with five or six questions and just answer them.  Introduce your presentation as “The 5 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Being a Real Estate Agent” and go for it with heart.  Your responses will be natural, you won’t be selling anything, you will be educating your audience and appearing knowledgeable along the way.   

And that vulnerability?  If it shows – it’s endearing.  But I reckon you’ll be so confident with this style of delivery that no one will even notice.

Win.  Win.  Win.

PS This applies equally well to those developing a video marketing strategy to stand out.


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