What is a cost reduction strategy? Cost reduction is a process usually used by many companies to cut down their costs and increase their structure. The strategies are depending on a company’s products or services. Every decision made in the development process of a...


What is a cost reduction strategy? Cost reduction is a process usually used by many companies to cut down their costs and increase their structure. The strategies are depending on a company’s products or services. Every decision made in the development process of a...

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

I run a small photography business and thought I would put my hat in the ring for this write up! I started my business just over 2 years ago, when after many years of photographing friends/family I wanted to start photographing businesses and products. I signed myself...

Getting Pumped for Networking

Getting Pumped for Networking

Feeling helpful?  Good.  Thinking abundantly?  Excellent!  Out of sales mode?  Cool.  Feeling brave?  Then let’s get on with it…    If you can put your head in this space then you are destined to be a kick-ass...

Be Clear on your Target Market.

In The Business Accelerator Program, we go into considerable depth when discussing Target Markets and Collaboration Circles.  Understanding these two concepts will help you derive maximum benefit from your networking efforts by helping you to quickly...

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Hi there!   Do you ever just STOP and take the time to reflect on your journey thus far, your career choices, business, lifestyle, decisions made and challenges overcome to arrive at your current point of time?  Are you living out your purpose?   I...

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

I run a small photography business and thought I would put my hat in the ring for this write up! I started my business just over 2 years ago, when after many years of photographing friends/family I wanted to start photographing businesses and products. I signed myself...

Getting Pumped for Networking

Getting Pumped for Networking

Feeling helpful?  Good.  Thinking abundantly?  Excellent!  Out of sales mode?  Cool.  Feeling brave?  Then let’s get on with it…    If you can put your head in this space then you are destined to be a kick-ass...

Be Clear on your Target Market.

In The Business Accelerator Program, we go into considerable depth when discussing Target Markets and Collaboration Circles.  Understanding these two concepts will help you derive maximum benefit from your networking efforts by helping you to quickly...

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Hi there!   Do you ever just STOP and take the time to reflect on your journey thus far, your career choices, business, lifestyle, decisions made and challenges overcome to arrive at your current point of time?  Are you living out your purpose?   I...

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

Lara Ladson – A Photographer

I run a small photography business and thought I would put my hat in the ring for this write up! I started my business just over 2 years ago, when after many years of photographing friends/family I wanted to start photographing businesses and products. I signed myself...

Getting Pumped for Networking

Getting Pumped for Networking

Feeling helpful?  Good.  Thinking abundantly?  Excellent!  Out of sales mode?  Cool.  Feeling brave?  Then let’s get on with it…    If you can put your head in this space then you are destined to be a kick-ass...

Be Clear on your Target Market.

In The Business Accelerator Program, we go into considerable depth when discussing Target Markets and Collaboration Circles.  Understanding these two concepts will help you derive maximum benefit from your networking efforts by helping you to quickly...

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Evolution of the Queen of Foodiness

Hi there!   Do you ever just STOP and take the time to reflect on your journey thus far, your career choices, business, lifestyle, decisions made and challenges overcome to arrive at your current point of time?  Are you living out your purpose?   I...