MOFO – Mother of Fierce Occupation
If you’ve read past the title I know already that you are a Mofo of my kind! Welcome Mother of Fierce Occupation to my Pride of Lionesses!
They say everyone needs their tribe and I agree 100%. But even more than that, I need my pride of roaring MOFO’s.
Acronym: Mother of Fierce Occupation.
Definition: A woman fierce in her love and passion for what she does.
It took becoming a mother for me to become a MOFO. Motherhood does funny things to you and for me it ignited my passion to do something aweso me with my life. To not only be an awesome mum and wife but an awesome me! And to do all these things with fierce love and passion.
After resurfacing from the mombie stage of my first born I slowly realised for me to be any good at this mothering business I needed to be happy with me. They say Happy Wife Happy life. I’ll take that and add Happy Mamma Happy Bubba.
Your occupation of choice may be in business, it may purely be motherhood (which we all know is the hardest freaking occupation of all!) or it may be a mix of both. Whatever it is. You stand tall and stand in fierce pride for what you do and how you do it.
As I said, motherhood does funny things to you and for me it stripped away my fears and gave me the courage to do what I love and not worry about what others may think. Am I good enough? Am I strong enough? Am I resilient enough? Shit yes!
Afterall. if we don’t believe in ourselves how the hell c an we expect anyone else to?
Now repeat after me: “I am a MOFO and proud of it”
Roar hard mofo’s, roar hard.
Bec Leo xxx
Celebrating Amazing Mum’s