The screeching sound of your alarm pierces your ears…

You realise it’s time to get up…

You roll your eyes as your head crashes back onto the pillow…

You feel like crying because you’re utterly exhausted… 😫

So you hit the snooze button…

BRRRP…!!! Snooze… ⏰

BRRRP… !!! Snooze… ⏰

Again and again… snooze…arghh! 😞

You REALLY don’t want to get up…

But you know YOU MUST because you’ve got a million things to do…

So you guzzle 5 cups of coffee to “wake up” and do the endless tasks on your plate…

Barely keeping your eyes open or being able to think straight… 🥴

Finding it almost impossible to have energy to do everything: 

  • Play with the kids after school…
  • Look after your business…
  • Cook dinner…
  • Clean the house…
  • Go grocery shopping… 
  • Or really live your life!

And at the end of it all, you wonder how you ever made it through the day in this zombie-like state…

Dreading the thought of tomorrow…where you need to find the energy to do it all again… 😵‍💫😩

If this has ever happened to you, I totally get it…

Fatigue sucks!

It strips us of our quality of life and our ability to be the best version of ourselves…

Not only for our own sake, but for everyone who depends on us too!

Our children, husbands, families, friends, colleagues…

THEIR needs always come before your own, right?

Because you’re a nurturer and everyone else’s needs come first…

Despite you barely having energy to keep from falling apart!

Sadly, I know this situation all too well…

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Allyson Brown…

I’m the Director at everheal and creator of the LIFE Formula Program

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2005 during the second year of my PhD research…

In case you’re unfamiliar with it, MS is an autoimmune condition…

Where your own immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord…

Leading to an array of debilitating symptoms including:

  • Leg dysfunction
  • Visual issues
  • Numbing &, tingling
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue – just to name a few.

Regrettably, I experienced all these symptoms (and more!)…

During the 20 x MS relapses I experienced over the space of 15 years…

This was despite being on harmful immunosuppressant medications…

Which is the standard medical treatment for MS to help prevent relapses…

But it wasn’t until 2018, where I experienced crippling fatigue and brain fog…

That my life changed forever!

My symptoms were so severe, that I couldn’t do basic calculations (i.e. 8 divided by 2)…

Nor do things I enjoyed, as I was utterly exhausted to my core (ALL-THE-TIME!)…

Forcing me to resign from my job as an analyst in a local government organisation…

I had hit rock bottom with my health, constantly struggling with…

Fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and depression… 

I spent months sitting on my couch, eating junk food and watching tv…

Wondering “what happened to my life?”…

Despite having severe brain fog and fatigue, somewhere deep inside…

I KNEW that if I didn’t figure out how to get myself better…

This (miserable existence) was as good as my life would ever be…

Doing nothing, contributing nothing, being nothing….

This thought terrified me… so I KNEW I had to make a change…

Although I was completely exhausted and unmotivated…

I reluctantly decided to change my diet in the hopes that this may help…

I absolutely HATED the idea of giving up the foods/drinks that I loved…

And that gave me some shred of happiness, in my melancholy existence…

But, even if it didn’t help, deep down I KNEW I had to try…

And what happened 3 months later was absolutely miraculous…

  • My brain function returned…
  • I had ENERGY again (like when I was a teenager!)…
  • I no longer felt anxiety or depression!
  • I got my life back

I felt better than I had done in YEARS and it was absolutely remarkable…

Before and after clean eating

But wait, didn’t I just change my diet?

How could FOOD POSSIBLY have done this?

I just HAD to find out…

So I put my PhD research skills into action..

And stumbled across incredible information from…

Researchers, naturopaths and functional medicine practitioners…

From all corners of the globe!

The information was staggering, and my eyes were finally open to ONE SIMPLE WORD…

That was connected to debilitating symptoms like…

Fatigue and brain fog, as well as ~80% of chronic health conditions…

Including autoimmunity and even cancer…

What was this word?


Yes, food!

I couldn’t believe it, something as simple as food, could dictate our health and energy levels…

  • Food impacts our gut health (where 80% of our immune system lives)…
  • Food impacts our mitochondria (which creates our body’s energy)…
  • Food impacts our ability to heal, sleep and function…

Therefore, food is a pretty big deal when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing!

When I dug a little deeper, I discovered that some chronic health conditions…

Had risen by 300% over the last ~70 years…

Our rates of burnout and fatigue are at an all time high…

And even our rates of mood and learning disorders are at their peak…

Despite us being in the most medically advanced era in human history…

Which got me wondering why?

It turns out that our diet has changed A LOT over the past 100 years!

We are no longer eating the nutritious, natural foods that our great, great grandparents ate…

We are consuming more and more processed and packaged foods…

That are devoid of nutrient value, serving only to tantalise our taste-buds…

In convenient packaging that serve our increasingly busy lives…

It’s true, right?

Most of us are guilty of overindulging in these convenience foods…

Maybe once, twice or many times a week…

Even though we KNOW they aren’t great for our health…

They are simple and delicious so we eat them anyway!

But if we aren’t eating the right foods, how can we expect our body to function properly?

Let’s think about this…

Food is our fuel, right?

Just like a car needs fuel (in the form of petrol/gas) in order to drive us places…

Our body needs fuel (in the form of food) in order to function…

But our car needs a specific TYPE of fuel, yes?

What happens if we put the WRONG fuel into our car (e.g. unleaded fuel into a diesel fuel tank)?

What would happen to the car?

It’s not going very far, right?

We would never intentionally fill up our car with the wrong fuel, as we KNOW it won’t work properly!

But what about our body?

What happens to our body if we don’t put the RIGHT fuel into it (i.e. we eat BAD foods)?

The same thing happens – it doesn’t function properly!

Although this is a simple example, most of us don’t think about this critical link…

Eating non-nutritious foods, but still expecting to function at high energy…

To complete our busy lives and never-ending list of tasks!

So eating too much take-away food, junk food…

Processed/packaged foods and other inflammatory food sources…

Strips us of our energy and makes our body feel sluggish and slow…

We don’t often make the connection though…

Or consider the true consequences of our food choices…

But eating too much of these inflammatory processed and packaged “foods”…

Can lead to warning signs in the form of symptoms like:

  • Headaches
  • Stubborn weight gain
  • Eczema
  • Acid reflux & heartburn
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue and more! 

These symptoms are actually our bodies trying to tell us…

That it’s not coping with the inflammatory and toxic “foods” we are consuming…

Which if eaten long term, can lead to chronic health conditions like autoimmunity and cancer…

It’s something that I WISH I had known about years ago…

Including the fact that some foods that are deemed to be “healthy”…

Are actually causing our bodies long term damage and inflammation too!

But don’t worry – it’s not all doom and gloom…

Although FOOD is the PROBLEM, the great part is, that it’s also the SOLUTION!

As Hippocrates once said “every time you eat or drink..

You’re either fuelling the disease or fighting against it”…

So you get to decide multiple times a day, whether to fuel your body with:

  •  Nutrient-rich foods that give you sustained energy…


  • Inflammatory foods that steal your energy and hijack your health…

And when you choose to put the RIGHT fuel into your body, you get to:

  • Wake up with energy
  • Live your best life, be the best entrepreneur, CEO, employee…
  • Have enough energy to play with your kids, spend time with loved ones and do the things that are most important to you…
  • Ultimately, you get to be the best version of yourself!

It all starts at the “end of your fork”! 🍴

Next time you reach for a snack, what will you choose to fuel your body with…? 🤔

Wishing you the best of health

P.S If you’d like to learn more about how to use food as medicine and elevate your energy, join me at my FREE masterclass in Geelong on February 27th at 12pm or March 8th at 6:30pm AEDT

Register by clicking the links above or find the Elevate Your Energy event on Eventbrite.

If you want to change your diet and lifestyle, but you need some assistance in getting started, I can help!

I’m offering fellow Business In Heels members a massive $500 USD saving off the regular price of my transformational 90-day LIFE Formula Program – where I help to educate, empower and encourage you through making the changes so you can get your energy back and live your best life too! 🥰

Simply click here for program details or email me ( for more information.

Let’s get better, together! 💖

P.P.S. I also love to collaborate with others in complementary fields so we can help even more people! Feel free to reach out and let me know about your business if you’d like to team up to spread the gift of health and energy to others ( 🥰