We’re More Than Lipstick, Boobs & Butts!
Shar Moore says despite the great leaps women have made in society, the way women are portrayed in magazines still has a long way to go. Her response is to create a publication that is everything that mainstream magazines are not.
“On March 8, it was International Women’s Day with the theme ‘be bold for change’, yet on the magazine stands are glossies filled with petty, mindless and frivolous articles which demean women,” Mrs. Moore said.
“Women and girls do not need to read about how they need the perfect ‘bikini body’ or how they can drop three sizes in 7 days’.
“While some big-name magazines are moving away from this, it is not fast enough and is doing damage to women.The magazine industry needs a shake up and I am going to shake it up.”
Mrs. Moore, CEO/Founder and Editor-in-Chief of YMag, is the founder of the successful networking group YNetwork, which had 7 branches across the east coast, International Award Winning Business Mentor, best-selling author of From Broke To BMW, and the brains behind the Elysian Experience.
Mrs. Moore’s offering ‘YMag’, is set to hit the newsstands midyear. “We launched a crowdfunding campaign recently and are totally blown away by the support we are getting,” she said.
“This magazine will stand out on the news-stand, as it has a heartbeat and countless women are awaiting its arrival.”
“It really shows the void in the market for publications filled with articles and images that do not talk about how a woman looks, or how she acts, or how she need to be competing against men.”
“Even in the 21st century, women are still paid less and in some places, treated as the inferior sex. I’m not saying everyone does this, but it is still happening enough that there needs to be a change in messages, in the media.
“Look at how the mainstream media treats women who are successful – the reporting is not about their achievements; it is about their wardrobe, their hair, who their partners are, or their body shape.”
YMag is about being the best version of ourselves. ‘Just the way we are,” Mrs. Moore said. “The articles will be about everyday people doing amazing things – people we can all relate to.”
“It should not always be about the rich and famous celebrities, gossip, or the latest unaffordable fashion. Sometimes it can be about women in business, who are doing amazing things and Y they’re doing them!”.
“YMag is on the cutting edge of the new global movement of women on the rise into business. Our core focus is to share Y people do what they do, how they do it and how anybody, at any stage of life or business, can do it too.”
Empowering women to become the best version of themselves.