As Solo-preneurs, Mum-preneurs and Excorp-preneurs we all want to do one thing – work smarter, not harder.  So it makes sense to learn how to scale our businesses by using the tools at our disposal.  Over the next few weeks we will offer some insights and advice so you can operate these tools, scale your business and get some time back to get on with the other aspects of your life.

This week, we’re going to concentrate on one thing we all have in our favour – the internet.  Love it or hate it, it’s a magnificent tool for business.  But how do we use it to our advantage?  We’re going to start with 4 basic tips.  Follow them to make money and save time.

1.       Make sure your website can be found by your prospects.  There’s no point having the world’s best website if it’s not on the screens of your target market.  Make sure it’s optimised for the best search terms by spending some time with an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) expert.  These people will see that your site is found by customers ready to purchase.

2.       Many Solo-, Mum- and Excorp-preneurs sell a physical item yet their websites don’t allow transactions to take place.  Why not?  Why do you want to place a barrier between your clients and your products?  Call your website developer and ask them to install customer-friendly software that allows your clients to transact.  It’ll save you time and allow you to make money 24/7.

3.       Have your site professionally written.  Poor grammar, spelling mistakes and no knowledge of the effective selling techniques for your target market will result in poor conversion rates of your site’s visitors to customers.  A professional copywriter will help to overcome this by motivating your visitors to transact or give you a call for personalised service.

4.       Have your site professionally designed. Appealing images and functional buttons will ensure your Call to Action gains traction.

So get on it!  Get more out of the internet by working the system. Use the expertise of those who know how and reap the rewards.  Scared by the price?  Hmmm… what’s the price of not doing it?

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Lisa & Jo