When Anne first joined the group mentoring program over two years ago, she was already a successful business owner in the health industry. However, like many entrepreneurs, she felt the weight of her responsibilities and the challenges of
navigating the complexities of running a business on her own. With a dedicated team under her wing and aspirations to grow, Anne knew she needed guidance to turn her ambitious vision into reality.

In her initial mentoring sessions, Anne worked closely with her mentor, Kistin Gunnis, one of our globally certified and experienced mentors to map out clear strategic goals for both her business and personal growth. Among her top priorities were increasing business revenue, relocating to a larger premises, enhancing the visibility of her business in the industry, and solidifying her reputation as a knowledgeable professional. She also aimed to build and retain a strong team while focusing on personal financial wealth that would extend beyond her business.

The group mentoring sessions became Anne’s sanctuary—a space where she could step back from the daily grind and “work on her business” rather than just in it. These monthly meetings provided her with the time to focus on what truly mattered, refine
processes to maximise revenue and access invaluable resources. Surrounded by fellow business owners and her mentor, Anne found a community that not only offered advice but also shared in her experiences, easing the loneliness that often accompanies leadership.

One of the most significant aspects of Anne’s mentoring journey was the accountability it provided. While the momentum from a mentor challenging her thinking and holding her to her goals was invaluable, Anne was also determined to push herself forward regardless. This combination of external support and personal drive was crucial in helping her meet—and often exceed—the strategic goals she had set for herself, even when life sometimes got in the way.\
Anne’s progress has been remarkable. She is on the cusp of reaching her initial revenue goal and has already set her sights on a new target. Through regular cashflow forecasting and management, she has gained a deeper understanding of “the numbers,” enabling her to take better control of her finances. She now easily identifies areas for improvement, understands cashflow cycles, and can budget accordingly, giving her the confidence to manage her business’s financial health with precision.

A recent move to a larger premises marked a significant milestone for Anne’s business, allowing for expansion and growth. Throughout this journey, her mentor has been a trusted confidant and cheerleader, offering a safe space to discuss confidential issues and ask the questions she might have hesitated to voice elsewhere. While her mentor may not always have all the answers, together they’ve tapped into a network of professionals and resources that continue to expand Anne’s knowledge and experiences.

With her mentor’s support, Anne is not just achieving her strategic goals—she’s setting new ones, confident in her ability to navigate the road ahead.

From Kistin’s perspective, watching a mentee’s journey is incredibly inspiring. Building and growing a business can sometimes seem like climbing an ever-growing mountain. With each step taken by the mentee, they get closer to their goals whilst others can seem to be insurmountable. Having a mentor by your side on your journey, brings you not only guidance and support, but also a sense of reassurance that you’re not climbing that mountain alone. Together you navigate the obstacles, celebrate the victories and keep moving steadily towards the summit.