4 Basic Networking Tips

4 Basic Networking Tips

YOU CAN’T DO WITHOUT Networking – it’s an art.  And while we’d all like to be a Picasso, chances are we may only be a Ralph.  Who’s Ralph?  Exactly!  So here’s a few networking tips that may boost your chances of enjoying the networking experience...

The Value of the testimonial

The Value of the testimonial

Remember the last time someone said something really nice about you?  Remember how you felt?  Perhaps you felt grateful, accomplished or recognised in your field.  A heart-felt, genuine testimonial is a great way...

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

After meeting that special contact you’ve been chasing for 6 months, nailing your follow-up is critical.  After all, consider all that groundwork you put in so far… You’ve found her name or her position in the company,You’ve asked your other contacts what they...

Thinking Big Part 3

Thinking Big Part 3

Congratulations!  You’ve got your educational package ready to sell!  Now – how do you get it under the noses of your target market? Once again it’s the internet that provides part of the answer via social media and your website.  The other part of the...

Thinking Big Part 2

Thinking Big Part 2

Okay, so you’ve been mulling over the idea in the last blog about how you’re going to get your business out of the labour for hourly income trap.  And hopefully you’ve been thinking about the skills or expertise you possess that others value!  So now it’s a...

Thinking Big Part 1

Thinking Big Part 1

Many people, perhaps women especially, have been trained by various influences to play small.  That’s fine if that’s what you want.  If you want to run a small business that remains small or a micro business that remains micro then keep doing what you’re...

BUilding Rapport

BUilding Rapport

Building rapport is the first step to creating the relationships that lead to business.  Very few people will be willing to spend money with you if they don’t sense a connection.  Having said that, at Business in Heels we’re not about teaching people to be...



Christmas is in the wings.  Suddenly, you’re looking up grandma’s eggnog recipe, receiving all sorts of junk mail on your screen and in your post box, pine cones inexplicably look like they have more decorative potential and the small trees from which they come...

4 Basic Networking Tips

4 Basic Networking Tips

YOU CAN’T DO WITHOUT Networking – it’s an art.  And while we’d all like to be a Picasso, chances are we may only be a Ralph.  Who’s Ralph?  Exactly!  So here’s a few networking tips that may boost your chances of enjoying the networking experience...

The Value of the testimonial

The Value of the testimonial

Remember the last time someone said something really nice about you?  Remember how you felt?  Perhaps you felt grateful, accomplished or recognised in your field.  A heart-felt, genuine testimonial is a great way...

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

After meeting that special contact you’ve been chasing for 6 months, nailing your follow-up is critical.  After all, consider all that groundwork you put in so far… You’ve found her name or her position in the company,You’ve asked your other contacts what they...

Thinking Big Part 3

Thinking Big Part 3

Congratulations!  You’ve got your educational package ready to sell!  Now – how do you get it under the noses of your target market? Once again it’s the internet that provides part of the answer via social media and your website.  The other part of the...

Thinking Big Part 2

Thinking Big Part 2

Okay, so you’ve been mulling over the idea in the last blog about how you’re going to get your business out of the labour for hourly income trap.  And hopefully you’ve been thinking about the skills or expertise you possess that others value!  So now it’s a...

Thinking Big Part 1

Thinking Big Part 1

Many people, perhaps women especially, have been trained by various influences to play small.  That’s fine if that’s what you want.  If you want to run a small business that remains small or a micro business that remains micro then keep doing what you’re...

BUilding Rapport

BUilding Rapport

Building rapport is the first step to creating the relationships that lead to business.  Very few people will be willing to spend money with you if they don’t sense a connection.  Having said that, at Business in Heels we’re not about teaching people to be...



Christmas is in the wings.  Suddenly, you’re looking up grandma’s eggnog recipe, receiving all sorts of junk mail on your screen and in your post box, pine cones inexplicably look like they have more decorative potential and the small trees from which they come...

4 Basic Networking Tips

4 Basic Networking Tips

YOU CAN’T DO WITHOUT Networking – it’s an art.  And while we’d all like to be a Picasso, chances are we may only be a Ralph.  Who’s Ralph?  Exactly!  So here’s a few networking tips that may boost your chances of enjoying the networking experience...

The Value of the testimonial

The Value of the testimonial

Remember the last time someone said something really nice about you?  Remember how you felt?  Perhaps you felt grateful, accomplished or recognised in your field.  A heart-felt, genuine testimonial is a great way...

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

The 6 Basics of Nailing the Follow-Up

After meeting that special contact you’ve been chasing for 6 months, nailing your follow-up is critical.  After all, consider all that groundwork you put in so far… You’ve found her name or her position in the company,You’ve asked your other contacts what they...

Thinking Big Part 3

Thinking Big Part 3

Congratulations!  You’ve got your educational package ready to sell!  Now – how do you get it under the noses of your target market? Once again it’s the internet that provides part of the answer via social media and your website.  The other part of the...

Thinking Big Part 2

Thinking Big Part 2

Okay, so you’ve been mulling over the idea in the last blog about how you’re going to get your business out of the labour for hourly income trap.  And hopefully you’ve been thinking about the skills or expertise you possess that others value!  So now it’s a...

Thinking Big Part 1

Thinking Big Part 1

Many people, perhaps women especially, have been trained by various influences to play small.  That’s fine if that’s what you want.  If you want to run a small business that remains small or a micro business that remains micro then keep doing what you’re...

BUilding Rapport

BUilding Rapport

Building rapport is the first step to creating the relationships that lead to business.  Very few people will be willing to spend money with you if they don’t sense a connection.  Having said that, at Business in Heels we’re not about teaching people to be...



Christmas is in the wings.  Suddenly, you’re looking up grandma’s eggnog recipe, receiving all sorts of junk mail on your screen and in your post box, pine cones inexplicably look like they have more decorative potential and the small trees from which they come...