Being a mother, a business owner and a Psychologist, I am a prime candidate for burnout. It comes knocking at my door on a regular basis.  I know what it means to be at high capacity, I also know what it means to need to pace myself for the long haul.  In my work, I often advocate for my clients to find easy and efficient ways to manage their burnout. When you can find activities that combine together to meet a few self-care needs, you can prioritise your mental health needs without impacting too much on your time.  Exercising with friends is one of those activities that hit a few major needs.


Reflect: When you exercise, you have the opportunity for your mind to reflect on the things that weigh heavily on you.  When you move your body, you mind feels like it is in forwarding movement as well.  When you feel the strength of your body, your mind believes it too can do amazing things.


Reconnect: If you have a friend you can exercise with, you also hit the important need of reconnecting with people. Whether it is going for a walk or hitting the gym together, the feeling of companionship, sharing burdens, and having a laugh together just helps to keep things in perspective.

Replenish:  Exercising is a great way to give your body what it needs for mental health and well being.  There is ample research to show that when we exercise, our brains are provided with the chemicals it needs to remain in balance.  When we exercise, we also express nourishment by drinking water, and being thoughtful about the fuel we need to help us exercise effectively.

We love doing the things that bring meaning. We love being able to be there for others.  We have to make sure that we are also there for ourselves.


Valerie Ling 

Clinical Psychologist

Burnout Prevention Coach