5 Ways to make 2018 a super year

2017 has been a huge year for superannuation  Several niche superfunds have either launched or announced launches in 2018, and the media has been writing about it quite often. (We’ve been featured in the Fin Review, Women’s Agenda, and SBS!) But...

Employment Contracts What you must know and do

Every other important aspect of yout business is covered by a contract - lease of premises, supplier agreemetns, customer arrangements so why should staff be any different? Despite what many people think you really need a contract of employment for every employee....

Relationships are built on Trust,Respect, and Performance.

Life and Career Advice for Women

In a commencement ѕреесh аt Stаnfоrd University in 2005, the late Steve Jоbѕ, whо was thе CEO of Aррlе, ѕаid "... have thе соurаgе tо follow уоur heart аnd intuitiоn. Thеу somehow already knоw whаt уоu trulу want tо bесоmе." Whilе this may ring truе for mаnу wоmеn,...

Have you thought about 2018?

Written by Rachel Allan, marketing consultant, author and mum. You can get a headstart on everyone else by starting to plan out 2018, today. Imagine going on holidays over the summer knowing you are going to be stepping back into a business that is ready to be the...

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

You’ve got into a commercial dispute. May be with a supplier, client or business partner.You’re angry and want “justice”. Your first though is “let’s engage a lawyer” and threaten to take them to court.Or you’re on the receiving end. Either way, before things...

5 Ways to make 2018 a super year

2017 has been a huge year for superannuation  Several niche superfunds have either launched or announced launches in 2018, and the media has been writing about it quite often. (We’ve been featured in the Fin Review, Women’s Agenda, and SBS!) But...

Employment Contracts What you must know and do

Every other important aspect of yout business is covered by a contract - lease of premises, supplier agreemetns, customer arrangements so why should staff be any different? Despite what many people think you really need a contract of employment for every employee....

Relationships are built on Trust,Respect, and Performance.

Life and Career Advice for Women

In a commencement ѕреесh аt Stаnfоrd University in 2005, the late Steve Jоbѕ, whо was thе CEO of Aррlе, ѕаid "... have thе соurаgе tо follow уоur heart аnd intuitiоn. Thеу somehow already knоw whаt уоu trulу want tо bесоmе." Whilе this may ring truе for mаnу wоmеn,...

Have you thought about 2018?

Written by Rachel Allan, marketing consultant, author and mum. You can get a headstart on everyone else by starting to plan out 2018, today. Imagine going on holidays over the summer knowing you are going to be stepping back into a business that is ready to be the...

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

You’ve got into a commercial dispute. May be with a supplier, client or business partner.You’re angry and want “justice”. Your first though is “let’s engage a lawyer” and threaten to take them to court.Or you’re on the receiving end. Either way, before things...

5 Ways to make 2018 a super year

2017 has been a huge year for superannuation  Several niche superfunds have either launched or announced launches in 2018, and the media has been writing about it quite often. (We’ve been featured in the Fin Review, Women’s Agenda, and SBS!) But...

Employment Contracts What you must know and do

Every other important aspect of yout business is covered by a contract - lease of premises, supplier agreemetns, customer arrangements so why should staff be any different? Despite what many people think you really need a contract of employment for every employee....

Relationships are built on Trust,Respect, and Performance.

Life and Career Advice for Women

In a commencement ѕреесh аt Stаnfоrd University in 2005, the late Steve Jоbѕ, whо was thе CEO of Aррlе, ѕаid "... have thе соurаgе tо follow уоur heart аnd intuitiоn. Thеу somehow already knоw whаt уоu trulу want tо bесоmе." Whilе this may ring truе for mаnу wоmеn,...

Have you thought about 2018?

Written by Rachel Allan, marketing consultant, author and mum. You can get a headstart on everyone else by starting to plan out 2018, today. Imagine going on holidays over the summer knowing you are going to be stepping back into a business that is ready to be the...

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

What’s the Real cost of Commercial Litigation?

You’ve got into a commercial dispute. May be with a supplier, client or business partner.You’re angry and want “justice”. Your first though is “let’s engage a lawyer” and threaten to take them to court.Or you’re on the receiving end. Either way, before things...