One of the first things we all need to learn how to do when we set off on our entrepreneurial journeys is how to sell ourselves. After finding out your name, the next thing people ask is, “and what do you do?” For the introverted amongst us, this simple question can send shivers up your doovery. (Apologies, that’s a family expression.) As an introvert, the last thing you want to do is talk about yourself, right? So don’t! Try one of these elevator pitch openings and you’ll find yourself talking about the people that matter in business – your customers!
1. “My customers need their XXX sorted so we start with a brief session where they outline what they need and move forward from there. For example, the other day a woman came to me saying…”
2. “Thanks for asking. People come to me and say, ‘I’ve heard you’re pretty good at XXX.’ Like the other day a person approached asking…”
3. “Well I’m a XXX and often when customers approach, they just want to complain about a previous experience with a dodgy XXX. Yesterday, for instants, a guy was telling me about his…”
4. “It’s funny, you know, sometimes I wonder about the answer to that too. You see, some days I’m helping people with their XXX and other days it’s their XXX. So you know what? Maybe I’m a Jill-of-all-Trades disguised as a XXX. For example…
You’ll notice the above pitch openings all quickly lead into the opportunity to tell a story about how you interact with your customers. There’s a simple reason – facts tell, stories sell. Make your story short and sell the idea you provide good service and your customers are grateful for your expertise. And avoid being an encyclopaedia about your business. Ho-hum… is that the time?
So pick one of the above ice-breakers, modify it to suit your circumstances and trial it next time you’re out networking. Above all – have fun with it! People gravitate to fun.
From those in Heels