Abby Hunt, co-founder of, serves as a driving force behind the company’s success. Her unwavering commitment to fostering safe and inclusive workplaces is evident in her insightful perspective on psychological safety.

“Psychological safety is defined as the degree to which members of a team feel that it’s safe enough to take interpersonal risks. This can be raising concerns, asking questions, offering ideas, giving and receiving feedback, and raising challenging questions. When we find that sweet spot where people feel that true sense of belonging and safety, great things can happen.”

A Success Story in Local Government Rooted in Safety

Imagine a workplace where employees feel safe to share ideas, challenge the status quo, and reach their full potential. That’s the kind of environment helps create in today’s dynamic professional landscape. The company leverages over 20 years of expertise in health and care industries to deliver impactful programs addressing core challenges like workplace culture, safety, and employee engagement.

One of’s most notable achievements involved a local government organisation that witnessed a dramatic turnaround after implementing its Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI) tool.

The results of implementing PSI in the local government body were impressive.

  • Team A made an incredible leap in their score, from 53% to 93%, indicating a significant increase in psychological safety, which contributed to improved teamwork, more significant innovation, and enhanced employee engagement.
  • Team B also showed huge improvement, jumping from 48% to 98%, suggesting that employees felt much safer taking risks, making mistakes, and voicing their opinions without fear of retribution.
  • Teams C and D saw significant improvements as well, with scores increasing by 21% and 12%, respectively, leading to better customer service and more effective development projects.

This powerful case study exemplifies the profound impact of Data Drives Insight’s data-driven solutions.

Dual Expertise: A Winning Formula

Ash and Abby Hunt’s exceptional blend of expertise in psychology and business performance, coupled with extensive research, has led to the development of specialised tools. These tools provide a holistic view of organisational challenges, ultimately creating environments where employees feel valued, safe, and highly engaged.

PSI: A Team Culture Program offers a two-level approach to psychological safety:

  • Individual and Leadership Development: The PSI 360 is a diagnostic tool that assesses the impact of leadership on psychological safety and inclusivity. It equips leaders with valuable insights into their influence, empowering them to cultivate safe and inclusive cultures. This tool fosters leadership growth through self-awareness, aggregate feedback, and action planning, guiding targeted investment in leadership development.
  • Team Culture Enhancement: The PSI (Team Pulse Check) measures an individual’s sense of psychological safety within their team and with other teams they work with. This team culture tool allows leaders to benchmark and continuously monitor their organisation’s safety and risk profile and address gaps, fostering a culture where employees feel comfortable to fully contribute and empowered to change. By doing so, organisations can cultivate stronger relationships, enhance performance, attract top talent, and retain valuable staff.

Leading the Change in Inclusive Workplaces

The evolving legal landscape in Australia underscores the critical need for psychological safety in all workplaces. By adopting technology-driven solutions like PSI and PSI360, organisations can significantly improve employee engagement, decision-making, and performance, all while ensuring compliance with ISO 45003. Prioritising psychological safety not only fosters more effective and innovative workplaces but also promotes mental health and inclusivity—a win-win for everyone.

Inspiring Professional Women and Business Leaders

Diversity, equity and inclusion have rightfully assumed central positions in workforce strategy.  However, concentrating solely on diversity, without giving due consideration to psychological safety, represents a substantial missed opportunity. 

DataDrivesInsight works with a broad range of organisations and governments across Australia including those predominantly composed of female workers where organisations successfully meet and even surpass diversity targets and quotas.  Their analysis yielded the following insights:

  • Female employees feel their unique skills and talents are valued and utilised, significantly less than their male colleagues;
  • Female employees feel less likely to bring up problems and tough issues
  • Female employees are more likely to feel rejected for being different

For professional women and business leaders, the story of serves as a source of valuable insights and inspiration. It emphasises the critical role of psychological safety and encourages leaders to implement strategies that foster inclusivity and performance within their organisations.  Diversity alone does not ensure inclusivity.

Transforming Workplaces, One Team at a Time

As a business leader focused on career advancement, leadership development, and gender equity, you understand the importance of comprehensive insights and strategic interventions. is your trusted source for 360-degree leadership feedback, staff engagement, team culture, and capability development. Their tech-enabled solutions highlight gaps, blind spots, and limiting beliefs while illuminating strengths and opportunities and providing learnings that enable change and facilitate great leadership, culture, and performance.  The team continue to evolve their market-leading tools and solutions to enhance performance and outcomes and transform organisations. 

Ready to explore how the PSI Program can benefit your organisation? Visit to learn more about their solutions.