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2023 Social Media Trends
The social media and marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and we know you need to be kept up to date. So just like Sale of the Century, we phoned a friend (haha), well actually a bunch of experts and this is what they said. 2023 is expected to bring new trends...
The Secret Ingredient to Mentoring
Mentoring is one of those essential ingredients to a leader’s success that is often talked about but difficult to understand and quantify. Not any longer. Research from Brian Uzzi, a professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School, shows that...
10 Reasons why being a Mentor is Essential to your Career Progression
The Reasons Why Mentoring will Enhance your Career Mentoring is an opportunity to self-develop, expand your skill set and practice continual learning. And according to research mentors are 6x more likely to be promoted compared to their co-workers. (Source) Improve...