In today’s workplace, gender equity remains a critical goal. Despite the progress made, women still face significant barriers to advancing their careers. Men, particularly those in leadership roles, have a unique opportunity to make a substantial impact by acting as sponsors for women. Sponsorship goes beyond mentorship; it involves advocating for women, providing them with career-advancing opportunities, and ensuring their voices are heard. Here’s how men can effectively sponsor women and foster a more equitable work environment.

Understanding the Role of a Sponsor

A sponsor is more than a mentor. While mentorship involves offering advice and guidance, sponsorship requires actively advocating for an individual’s career advancement. A sponsor uses their influence and network to open doors for their protégé, ensuring they have access to opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach.

Why Sponsorship Matters

Sponsorship is vital for bridging the gender gap in leadership. Women often face systemic biases and lack access to the same networks and opportunities as their male counterparts. Sponsors can help level the playing field by:

  1. Providing Visibility: Sponsors can introduce women to key decision-makers, helping them gain visibility within the organisation.
  2. Advocating for Advancement: Sponsors can advocate for women when promotions and high-stakes assignments are being discussed.
  3. Offering Constructive Feedback: Sponsors can provide honest and constructive feedback, helping women navigate their careers more effectively.

How Men Can Sponsor Women

  1. Identify Potential: Look for talented women within your organisation who demonstrate potential and ambition. These individuals are often overlooked due to unconscious biases.
  2. Build Trusting Relationships: Develop strong, trust-based relationships with the women you intend to sponsor. Understand their career aspirations, strengths, and areas for development.
  3. Be Vocal Advocates: Actively promote your protégé’s achievements and potential. Speak up for them in meetings, recommend them for key projects, and ensure they are considered for promotions.
  4. Facilitate Networking: Introduce your protégé to influential people within and outside the organisation. Help them build a strong professional network that can support their career growth.
  5. Create Opportunities: Ensure your protégé gets access to high-visibility assignments and leadership opportunities. Encourage them to take on challenges that will showcase their abilities.
  6. Provide Honest Feedback: Offer constructive feedback and guidance to help them grow. Be candid about what they need to do to advance and support them in developing these skills.
  7. Champion Work-Life Balance: Understand the unique challenges women may face, particularly around work-life balance. Advocate for policies that support flexibility and work-life integration.
  8. Lead by Example: Demonstrate inclusive behaviour and challenge gender biases within the organization. Show your commitment to gender equity through your actions.

Success Stories

Many organizations have seen significant improvements in gender diversity through effective sponsorship programs. For instance, a global consulting firm implemented a sponsorship program where senior male leaders sponsored high-potential female employees. The result was a noticeable increase in the number of women in leadership positions and a more inclusive workplace culture.

Overcoming Challenges

Sponsorship can come with challenges, including overcoming ingrained biases and resistance to change. However, by committing to the process and demonstrating the tangible benefits of a diverse leadership team, these obstacles can be surmounted.


Sponsorship is a powerful tool for advancing gender equity in the workplace. Men, especially those in leadership positions, have the power to make a significant difference by sponsoring women. By providing visibility, advocating for advancement, and creating opportunities, men can help ensure that women not only survive but thrive in their careers. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable workplace for everyone.

Call to Action

If you’re in a position to sponsor, take the initiative today. Identify talented women within your organisation, build meaningful relationships, and start advocating for their advancement. Your support can be the key to unlocking their potential and driving your organisation towards greater success and inclusivity.