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Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. 

7 Smart Budgeting Tips for Small Business Owners

According to, businesses use a budget as a spending plan to schedule their expenses concerning their net income. Therefore, a corporate budget is a benchmark for understanding cash flow, estimating overhead costs, forecasting revenue and profitability,...

Mindfully navigating the concept of freedom

Freedom! A word that conjures up so much for so many, yet what does it mean to you? Do any of us have or have ever really had true freedom? It seems to be a particularly interesting and yet somehow potentially volatile question to pose in today's world.   When we...

Women in Leadership: Abby Hunt, Leading with Psychological Safety

Abby Hunt, co-founder of, serves as a driving force behind the company's success. Her unwavering commitment to fostering safe and inclusive workplaces is evident in her insightful perspective on psychological safety. "Psychological safety is...

Finding and Retaining Good staff

By Cath Nicholson, HR Central We get a lot of calls from business owners/operators about how to keep their employees either engaged and productive or ensure that they are not going to lose their good ones. Unfortunately, there is no book that can miraculously solve...

Unveiling Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming the Hidden Barrier to Success

Despite its seemingly innocuous name, Imposter Syndrome wields a formidable influence, stealthily eroding careers and personal well-being. But what exactly is Imposter Syndrome, and why does it matter? Let’s delve into this perplexing aspect of human psychology,...
7 Smart Budgeting Tips for Small Business Owners

7 Smart Budgeting Tips for Small Business Owners

According to, businesses use a budget as a spending plan to schedule their expenses concerning their net income. Therefore, a corporate budget is a benchmark for understanding cash flow, estimating overhead costs, forecasting revenue and profitability,...

Finding and Retaining Good staff

Finding and Retaining Good staff

By Cath Nicholson, HR Central We get a lot of calls from business owners/operators about how to keep their employees either engaged and productive or ensure that they are not going to lose their good ones. Unfortunately, there is no book that can miraculously solve...